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Essential Dry Bulk training tools
researched & created by hands-on experts
improving knowledge on ships & terminals

" If you can't explain it to a six year old,  you don't understand it yourself "
                                                                                                    - Albert Einstein


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Our experience and passion is in the dry bulk industry.
We are dedicated to creating research-based, fast knowledge transfer tools that
are engaging and easy to employ, improving bulk operations and saving lives.



Minimizing risk of loss and increasing efficiency and Safety


More than ever before, dry bulk shipping companies, ports and terminals are looking for an effective way to realistically address the various knowledge issues that can lead to dangerous situations and poor performance.


Due to Covid a lot of businesses have been obliged to completely change their processes.

The Dry Bulk sector is no different.


Conventional training programs can be too generic, often created from little or no real world experience. This can be extremely expensive and time consuming with hard to measure effects.


Fast Knowledge Transfer


Vistrato walk the walk.


Behind our training solution is a real passion for improving the lives of all involved in the shipment of solid bulk cargoes.

We have spent years working in, researching and experiencing the issues that continue to hamper this industry.


In 2019, following 18 months of deep research as part of developing our product, we made a submission to IMO to make changes to the IMSBC Code related to solid bulk cargo hazards and fatalities over a 10 year period. 

This was done entirely at our own expense as we were shocked by our findings.



Change Your Approach


With companies and businesses still adopting or having to adopt new ways to run their businesses in the digital transformation era, the opportunity for designers and makers today is bigger than ever. Also, if we take into account “the new norm” during and post COVID, there has never been a better time to reinvent yourself and start that side project you have always dreamed about or even start a new career becoming a maker building awesome digital solutions for others.

Being able to build and launch products and solutions in just days instead of months or even years means you can acquire a much larger amount of customers resulting in more revenue, faster. 



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This is a great space to write long text about your company and your services. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. Talk about your team and what services you provide. Tell your visitors the story of how you came up with the idea for your business and what makes you different from your competitors. 


500 Terry Francois Street, San Francisco, CA 94158  Tel: 123-456-7890

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